There is a section in one of the parenting magazines I read that is called "It Happened to Me" and moms write in about accidents and things that have happened to their kids in an attempt to warn other moms so it doesn't happen to them. I've learned about some interesting and unsuspecting things to be careful about, such as letting your kids be outside when the lawn is being mowed (rocks flying at them), being careful when you're vacuuming (this one kid got his hand caught under the vacuum cleaner and it ripped his skin off), furniture falling on kids, babies getting their hands burned on the oven, and other such scary things. So, anyway, I had one of these types of things happen to me that now I want to warn other moms of!
This week I was at Costco and had my two kids (Samuel - 2 1/2 & Hope - 11 mo. now) in the shopping cart at the front seat part. (Costco's carts are great because they have places for two kids at the front!) So, they were both buckled in the whole time until we got to the check out counter and Hope started fussing, so I unbuckled her and picked her up for a few minutes. Then on the way out, I put her back in and for whatever reason, didn't bother to buckle her in again. Of course, I am sure you can tell where this is going... so, as I was unloading the stuff into my car in the parking lot, I hear this loud thump and look back to find Hope NOT in the shopping cart, and lying on the ground with her face down. I definitely about lost it, and panicked, running to pick her up and in shock that that had just happened. I really couldn't believe it and didn't know what to do. Fortunately, a lady who was close by and saw it happen came over and asked if we were okay. I was kind of panicking and asked her what she thought I should do, if I should take her to the ER. We both kind of seemed to agree that was the best idea, and she helped me finish loading the stuff into the car and get Samuel and Hope in their car seats so I could drive to the ER. Hope ended up being fine, but it certainly was very scary. I honestly didn't really ever think my kids would fall out of the shopping cart if they weren't buckled in, but now I know just how wrong this thinking was! So, learn from my mistake, and always always always buckle your kids into the shopping cart seat, even if you think it is only going to be a minute or two before you have them out again!
And while I am writing about this, when we were in the ER, I probed the doctor with a lot of questions about falls and head injuries and how to know when you really need to go to the ER, because I feel like this is something that most of us moms don't really know the right answers to. Of course, we think it would be obvious when we would need to go to the ER, but I have now taken my daughter to the ER twice in her first year of life, and both of those time I did not feel like it was a very easy and obvious decision. Yet both times it turned out that it was a good decision. Anyway, so kids fall all the time, how do you know when it is serious enough to warrant an ER visit? Here is what I learned. With children, the only way they can really know if there is serious damage to the head or brain is by doing a CAT scan. However, the radiation this uses has been found to have a negative effect on children and babies, and is a risk that is often not worth taking. Also, in order to do a CAT scan, the child has to hold completely still for 5 minutes. So, since this is pretty much impossible, they have to usually put them under for this procedure. Therefore, in order to decide to do this, there usually needs to be a pretty substantial reason to think there might be something wrong. However, if the child or baby is acting strange, lost consciousness, is vomiting or bleeding, or had a very far or hard fall, or has a pretty severe bump on the head, these things would certainly warrant an ER visit. The doctor said that the height of Hope's fall made it borderline for doing a CAT scan, but since he was able to see her and see that she seemed to be acting pretty normal, he decided against it. He just said that I needed to watch her very closely for the next 24 hours and make sure she seemed to be acting mostly normal and didn't have any of those signs I just listed. So, hopefully some of this information from my trip to the ER will be helpful to you all. (actually, hopefully you will never need to know any of this! :) Another thing I learned was that even if there is damage from the fall (other than stitches) the only thing they can actually do is if there is a blood clot, they would go in and do surgery to remove it. Kind of scary! Anyway, may none of us ever have to deal with this kind of stuff! Strap those babies in!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Child Development
One of my favorite aspects of motherhood is getting to watch my children grow and develop. It is one of the most amazing things to see the tiny, helpless newborn baby you gave birth to grow up and learn to roll over, then sit up, then start eating solid foods, then crawl, stand, walk, talk, and continue to learn more and more things everyday. It all happens in such a short period of time, and yet you barely notice it happening sometimes because it is slow and gradual.
I believe getting to really see this process is something that only parents can really get to see, because even people who get to see certain children once or twice a week don't get to see every little gradual change, as well as the changes that sometimes happen in a moment. But as moms, we get to see it all! It is so great!
Often in a matter of a week your baby goes from sitting up to crawling, or can all of sudden clap or click her tongue! Hope just started getting so good at mimicing, it is amazing! She even tries to snap her fingers when we do. She can now sign "more" and "all done" and probably could do so much more if I took the time to work with her on it! And she is only 10 months old! She just started crawling a few weeks ago, and will come to me when I tell her to. I think one of the amazing things about how infants develop is that they really understand so much more than we think they do. She certainly understands when I tell her no or when I tell her to lay down and go to sleep. Of course, she often fights me in these things and likes to pretend like she doesn't know what I am saying, but I have come to realize she really DOES know what I am saying, and if I don't let her get her way, she obliges to what I have told her. Kids are so darn amazing!
I believe getting to really see this process is something that only parents can really get to see, because even people who get to see certain children once or twice a week don't get to see every little gradual change, as well as the changes that sometimes happen in a moment. But as moms, we get to see it all! It is so great!
Often in a matter of a week your baby goes from sitting up to crawling, or can all of sudden clap or click her tongue! Hope just started getting so good at mimicing, it is amazing! She even tries to snap her fingers when we do. She can now sign "more" and "all done" and probably could do so much more if I took the time to work with her on it! And she is only 10 months old! She just started crawling a few weeks ago, and will come to me when I tell her to. I think one of the amazing things about how infants develop is that they really understand so much more than we think they do. She certainly understands when I tell her no or when I tell her to lay down and go to sleep. Of course, she often fights me in these things and likes to pretend like she doesn't know what I am saying, but I have come to realize she really DOES know what I am saying, and if I don't let her get her way, she obliges to what I have told her. Kids are so darn amazing!
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