Thursday, March 29, 2007

Labor & After Practicalities (what to wear, supplies, etc.)

[warning: some content may be graphic and not appropriate for male readers or those who don't want to be scared off from having children :) -- read at your own risk]

Here was the question: "what did you wear to the hospital during labor? what do you recommend? any other suggestions about what worked for you at the hospital and at home would be helpful."

First of all, it doesn't really matter what you wear during labor, just make sure you're comfortable. And there is always the possibility of what you are wearing getting ruined, so don't wear your favorite outfit. I prefer to wear sweats or comfy shorts (depending on the weather), a t-shirt or some comfy shirt, and slip on shoes. As soon as you get to the hospital they will make you put on a gown anyway, which is actually nice because it is loose and doesn't get in the way as much as normal clothes.

[as a side note, when packing for the hospital, err on the side of less stuff. with my first baby, I followed one of those silly lists of stuff to take, only to find that I used about 5% of what all I brought. the stuff I use are slippers, my bathroom stuff like a toothbrush, an outfit to wear home, an outfit for baby to wear home, your baby book/journal to write in, maybe some extra snacks, the carseat for the way home, and that's about it]

While some people like to have their own robe or clothes for the hospital after birth, I prefer to stay in the hospital gown. Most people are still bleeding and making messes those first few days, so it is safter to wear their gown that you won't mind ruining. Also, it is actuallly easier for breastfeeding to have the gown on than normal clothes or a robe.

In fact, I don't think a robe would be helpful for breastfeeding. It tends to get in the way more than help. What you need for breastfeeding are some good nursing bras and nursing pads (see earlier post on nursing pads). Medela makes some nice nursing bras for after labor because they are comfy on your sore boobs. Then I would just wear my normal clothes over a nursing bra.

Also, you will probably be wearing your maternity clothes for a little while after your baby is born. I don't know about other women's experiences, but I have my early maternity clothes, then my later maternity clothes for when I am bigger. Then after the baby is born, I go back to wearing my early maternity clothes for awhile (although sometimes the first few days after birth I am still wearing my later maternity clothes). In fact, it has been four months since my last baby was born, and I am still wearing some of my early maternity pants sometimes. I only have a few pairs of pre-pregnancy pants I can fit into at this point. Not only is there the expanded blubber on the belly, our hip bones usually expand in pregnancy and it takes some time for them to go back to our original size.

Okay, so here's my list of supplies for after you come home from giving birth:
-nursing bras
-nursing pads
-underwear you don't mind ruining
-a squirt bottle, tucks pads, and no-sting pain relief spray (you will be using all of this in the hospital, so just have them stock you up before you go home)
-a waterproof mattress pad for YOUR bed, you'll see why later
-Lanisoh ointment for your nipples
-people to help you!

I think that's it. But if anyone can think of something I'm forgetting, please leave a comment and I'll add it!


The Becchios said...

Note on the maxi-pad - make sure it's a BIG maxi pad. I actually ended up wearing pads made for incontinent adults because they offered more coverage :)

Crystal Hadidian said...

The birth center where I had Grey recommended putting soaking some maxi pads in water and putting them in the freezer (before the baby comes) so when you get home you have some nice ice-pads... it might sound weird, but it was really helpful for me, helped the swelling go down and the healing begin.

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