Friday, May 11, 2007

A Word of Caution

This morning as I went into the bathroom for a minute while my 5 1/2 month old layed on the bed, I remembered the stories I've heard of babies falling off of couches or beds when left alone for just seconds. These stories often come to mind and serve as reminders to be extra diligent with where I leave my children and how far I get away from them. I realized the blessing it is to be able to learn from other's mistakes so that we don't have to experience them ourselves. These are the stories I was able to hear that have made me diligent and have prevented my babies from falling off of stuff (at least so far). I heard of a mom who left her sleeping baby on the bed while she was in the other room doing something. The baby was not only asleep, but couldn't roll over yet. However, she heard a loud thump and returned to the room to find her baby on the hard wood floor. He had somehow managed to roll off upon waking up.

Another friend had her baby on the couch while she was only a few feet away. He rolled off the couch and she had to watch it happen, only milliseconds away from being able to catch him.

These stories often come to my mind and serve as reminders that we must be very diligent about where we set our babies down, even if they can't roll over yet. We must stay within arms reach at all times when they are on anything high. I wanted to share these stories in order that some of you might be helped to prevent a similar thing from happening.

Also, if any of you have stories that you would like to share so that we can learn from other's mistakes and not have to repeat them, please e-mail them to me so I can post them.


The Dowds said...

Thanks for the word of advice, Holly. I've heard horror stories, too and appreciate the reminder to be so very careful! We should be sure to tell our husbands and other caregivers to be diligent as well.

Barbie said...

So true. Annika has now fallen a total of three times.
The first, she was a week old and fell only a foot and a couple inches from the futon couch to the carpeted floor, but it scared me so much!!!!

The second, I was walking out of the bathroom with her in my arms and slipped on some water on the floor. We both went flying in opposite directions, she hitting the wall and me hitting the corner of the doorjamb. She was fine, I had bruises ALL over my body.

The third, she fell off her changing table onto the play mat. I had one hip on her and was reaching for a baby wipe, and she curled into a ball and tumbled over.

I hope ALL of you can learn from those mistakes... they are never too small to move and they are never to safe in your arms to be secure. Tread very, very carefully.