Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cloth Diapering

A friend of mine asked me to do a blog about cloth diapers about 8 months ago, so here it finally is!

Yes, I am a mom that does cloth diapers and loves it! I am a big fan, even having two kids in diapers at once. I love not wasting - money & material. I love knowing that I am doing something that is good for my babies, good for the environment, and good for the wallet. I actually do use disposable diapers sometimes when we are out and about because it is just so much more practical, but I don't like using them much. I am also able to be so much more liberal with how often I can change my kids diapers since it doesn't matter how many we go through in a day - it won't cost me any more to change their diapers 8 times a day than it would to change it 3 times.

Well, anyway, so onto the practicalities -- there are sooooo many different products people use for cloth diapering. As many who use them would say, these are not your mother's cloth diapers! The art of cloth diapering has come a REALLY LONG WAY since we were kids! It has become much easier and much more practical. So, anyway, if you are wanting to look into cloth diapers more seriously, I would recommend checking out one of the many websites that sell cloth diapers so you can get a better idea of what all is out there. One of the best websites I've found is Jardine Diapers, to get information about all of the different covers, liners, etc. This was where I bought my initial supplies from. You can also find a lot of cloth diapering supplies, even new, on e-bay.

Okay, so here are my recommendations from some of the different products and methods I've tried. My favorite covers are the Bumkins covers. They are super easy to use, really easy to clean, and some of the most waterproof covers I've found. I also like the Prorap Classic covers and the Kushies diaper wrap because they are very affordable and also are very waterproof and easy to clean. So, basically what I do is I have Chinese pre-folds, which are just the actual cloth part, then I have some extra absorbancy liners (which are just another think fleece lined piece of cloth in the shape of a maxi-pad) that I put on top of the folded main cloth part (which I fold into fours and lay in the cover). Then I also put a flushable liner on top (my favorite of these are Imse Vimse liners, because they are BOTH flushable & reusable - in other words, if there is no poop on them, just wash them with everything else and reuse them again).

I usually do a load of diapers about once every 3 or 4 days, in my normal washing machine in hot water on the longest cycle possible. A huge life saver in cloth diapering came for me when I got a diaper sprayer that attaches to the toilet and allows you to spray off the poop into the toilet before you wash the diapers. One of my children has always had very wet and mushy poop and most of his poopy diapers needed spraying. Fortunately, my daughter usually has thicker poop that I can just grab the disposable liner and flush it down the toilet. In fact, because of the ability to flush the poop down the toilet, I feel like cloth diapers are almost LESS gross than a disposable diaper where you are usually just stuffing poop into a diaper genie or something.

1 comment:

Wells said...

praying that someday i will have a washer and dryer in my house!