Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Some Breastfeeding Tips

Here are a few miscellaneous breastfeeding tips I wanted to share.

1. Be patient with the process when you first start out.
2. Use Lansinoh lanolin on your nipples to help with soreness. You can actually start putting it on your nipples during the last month or two of pregnancy, it helps prevent soreness when you first start breastfeeding.
3. Drink lots of water. Some people I know have had problems producing enough milk and it can be because they aren't keeping themselves hydrated. You get really thirsty when you're breastfeeding anyway, so this shouldn't be too hard to do. But here's a tip a nurse gave me -- keep a glass of water in every room when you first come home from the hospital so you get used to drinking lots and have it accessible everywhere!
4. Get lots of help from lactation consultants while in the hospital if they're available. Its best to learn as much as you can from them before you go home.
5. Make sure you learn the different feeding positions and how to get your baby latched on properly. A good latch is the key to comfortable and not painful breastfeeding.

I'll write more tips later...there are lots! Here's some good books on breastfeeding too if you want more information. There are actually tons of books on it, but here are some I am somewhat familiar with and can recommend.

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